Seemingly Unreasonable Demands
One of the first courses I took in medical school was histology, where we had to memorize the microscopic structure of every cell in the body. I didn’t do well on the first test, mostly because I resented the picky nature of the material. I asked a friend who had no problem with the test, “Joe. How did you do so well? That stuff is so picky.”
“Yup,” he answered, “that’s what it is.”
I got it instantly and, afterward, put my energy into learning the material instead of fighting its picky nature.
Life acts similarly. Sometimes, we face seemingly unreasonable or silly challenges, such as a partner or spouse wanting to have the kitchen clean before going to bed or a requirement at work that we think is unnecessary, and we essentially ignore them.
‘Getting it’ means that we choose to create harmony and do what’s asked. And why not do this? (This obviously does not apply to actions that we find objectionable. In such cases, we have to move on.)
Does this ‘letting go’ of your position to achieve harmony make sense to you? Does it remind you of a situation in your own life? What happened?
Send your comments to, with I got it in the subject line.